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Music Projects

I have always loved music in all it's forms, playing the guitar since I was 14 and more recently the Mandolin, Banjo... oh and of course the Ukelele.

Having been involved in various musical projects I would love the chance to work with other musicians/ singers in Driffield. My greatest love is fingerstyle guitar and I am seeking a vocalist as my voice is awful! Get in touch if you are interested.


Songs performed by Bobbie Allen & Marcus Cowling 

Recorded and engineered by Duncan Peck



Validation is a duo with Bobbie Allen and myself.

We played around Alderney in pubs, restaurants and at various events.

We simply play the music that we enjoy, mostly ballads that suit the fingerstyle guitar and Bobbies' vocal range.


Unfortunately Bobbie now lives on the SouthCoast - and I don't mean Bridlington!

Here There and EverywhereValidation
00:00 / 02:33
Harvest MoonValidation
00:00 / 04:02
3 Everybody's ChangingValidation
00:00 / 02:33
Going to CaliforniaMarcus Cowling
00:00 / 02:39

Marée  Migniet

A group of musicians formed to promote and celebrate Alderney Patois

Alderney patois is the indigenous french based language that was used on Alderney. We worked with the last true speaker - Royston Raymond, putting traditional songs once more before the public.


Bobbie Allen and Sally Pond are the vocalists. Alan Richardson plays guitar and backing vocals, and I play guitar, mandolin and banjo. Royston is unfortunately no longer with us but the language is being kept alive by Sally who is working on a dictionary of Aurignais.

Midnight TidesMarée Migniet
00:00 / 01:44
La BarbiereMarée Migniet
00:00 / 02:29
La Destinai la rose es BouesMarée Migniet
00:00 / 03:44
IMG_20210304_110519_1 (1).jpg



Our proudest moment - winning a category in the Guernsey Eisteddfodd.

If you wish to purchase a CD or want to know any more about 

Alderney Patois contact Sally Pond .

Driff Acoustica

Have been going regularly now for a few years to The Bell in Driffield
where musicians meet every other Thursday and play their music. Have met some really talented people . We just play for fun rather than to an audience. Still can't find a singer so I have even resorted to attempts at singing myself !!...occasionally. Much more comfortable just playing my guitar however.

Acoustic Night at the Bell

Thought it might be nice to document my repertoire each session, as I often play original compositions which I simply forget over time.

Own Compositions

That's not the way 2 slideArtist Name
00:00 / 02:46
JazzArtist Name
00:00 / 03:03
DairyArtist Name
00:00 / 02:09
Slide2Artist Name
00:00 / 01:54

Bear in mind these are only recorded from my phone so quality not great.

Lyndsey own 2 c#g#d#g#cfArtist Name
00:00 / 02:08
HedgehogArtist Name
00:00 / 01:58
Jansch spanArtist Name
00:00 / 02:06
Mid Driff Winter blues Part 2Artist Name
00:00 / 02:20
Zep babeArtist Name
00:00 / 02:38
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